
Web development

Shopping.com widget screenshot

Shopping.com widget development

The brief for this project was to redesign and develop an improved version of an existing widget that allowed users to search for products using the Shopping.com API. The main goal was to increase the number of users clicking through to the resller websites. The widget is built in UWA JavaScript and XHTML and queries the Shopping.com API using PHP/Zend framework.

BART Arrivals widget screenshot

BART widget development

This widget takes advantage of the API that BART provides as an interface to the real time arrivals of BART trains around the Bay Area. The widget is built in UWA JavaScript and XHTML.

Yelp widget screenshot

Yelp widget development

Making use of Yelps extensive API, this widget allows users to search for entries listed on the Yelp website and displays basic information for each.

AT&T U-connect widget screenshot

AT&T U-connect widget development

Again using the UWA Javascript framework, this widget renders content from RSS feeds in a custom widget.

In the wild


