Web design

MuteManifold.com is the website of two artists, Jesse Eisenhower and Veronica Graham, who are based in Oakland, CA. I was commissioned by Jesse to implement an idea he had designed. The website is interestering as the content for each person is displayed in parallel which produced some interesting challenges. The site makes use of php, and the jQuery javascript library. Despite using some fancy javascript effects, they were implemented using progressive enhancement so features degrade gracefully when javascript isn't on hand.

Theme design for Netvibes' Election 2008 universe
Design and implement theme design for Election 2008 Netvibes universe.

Knight Foundation theme design
Design and implement theme design for a Knight Foundation branded Netvibes universe.

New York Post theme design
Design and implement theme design for a New York Post branded Netvibes universe.
I have also created Netvibes Universe themes for:
Ford Autoshows,
Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile and
Council on Foreign Relations.